Nov 302014

It was close, but no finish! Well, it was close, IF you consider that I finished the top on November 23rd, the back on the 24th and on the 25th I came to the realization that there was no way I could finish quilting and binding it by the 29th.
It wasn’t a matter of procrastinating, but a matter of not having any time to sew!! OK, enough excuses. Here is a fuzzy photo of the top in process.
Here is yet another fuzzy photo. This is the top sewn together.
The Michael Miller Cotton Couture was really wonderful fabric to work with! I can hardly wait to get started on the quilting!!!
Very pretty! The contrast of soft and deep mood of colors is beautiful! Sorry that you didn’t have time to finish it for the contest., it’s been a busy year for you. It will be exciting to see how you quilt this.
Have a great week! Hugs
love it!